Monday, August 15, 2011

Granada & environs, past and present

these were taken right before I went back up to the mountains (the Alpujarras) where I saw this:


from the bus, and this:

from the balcony where I stayed, and this

                   too, from the same balcony.  A bit of local color intermingled w/those ubiquitous pomegranates:

   ... (note the sign on the side of the truck: Cristo Nos Ama / Christ Loves Us) ...

And the patron saint of Granada and its environs apparently spent some time up here too, in Pitres:

 ("Here I am in Pitres, village sans voice nor pigeons in the Sierra mountains, crucified in the 'Y' of the tree.")


  1. Admittedly ... my very quick & literal translation of Lorca's words simply SUX ...

    A better one:

    "Here I am in Pitres, a quiet village up in the Sierra mountains without even the sounds of pigeons, crucified in the 'Y' of the tree."

    A little better, no?!

  2. The pomegranates kind of made me laugh. We are like that with our salmon here in Seattle. They insinuate themselves into every kind of public art.
