Saturday, November 26, 2011

Winter's come, but ... / El invierno ya ha llegado, pero ...

I saw that 3 kilos of Italian plum tomatoes were selling in my neighborhood for 2 euros!
¡Yo vi que en mi barrio estaban vendiendo 3 kilos de tomates pera por 2 euros!  (1 kilo= 2.2 lbs.)

The time for making tomato sauce has arrived. / Llegó la hora para preparar salsa de tomate.

Imagine! Around 7 lbs. of tomatoes boiling down to this. 
¡Imagínate! Casi 7 libres de tomates reducido así.

and while we're in the kitchen ...
y mientras que estamos en el cuarto de cocina ...

Judi and I got sugar packets with our coffee -- one (of B.B. King) that Judi took back to NY for Gail, the other: 
Judi y yo recibimos paquetes de azucar con nuestra café -- uno (de B.B. King) que Judi trajo a NY para regalar a Gail, y el otro:

[Rebecca, the sauce & the sugar packet are for you]

Thursday, November 17, 2011

from before our Barcelona trip ...

Fiesta del Realejo (my neighborhood's weekend-long fiesta)
These signs were up all along Calle Molinos, the main street in my barrio --

& just in case you didn't really catch that:
Yes, there was flamenco dancing ... groups of young girls who study flamenco took turns on the stage in the Campo del Principe ... & there was a bit of live music too.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Happy Pills?

We saw this shop sign during the lunch hour and the shop was closed & shuttered.

I just googled them:
  1. English - happy pills
    Candy Shop, sweets, jelly beans, confectionary and online gifts. happy pills ...
  2. Happy Pills | Design Milk
    19 Sep 2007 – Marion emailed me about her design firm, studio m, and their first project: a candy store in Barcelona called Happy Pills. If this isn't innovative ...
  3. Images for happy pills barcelona

     - Report images

Sunday, November 13, 2011

more this 'n' that (Barcelona)

 This should have been what alerted us to our bus stop, since it's what we saw once we got off the bus, but since it was on the other side of the street from where we got off the bus, it wasn't,   but Look!
                                                   papa bear
& mama bear
at the TOP of Barcelona ... 

Here's my private idea of what the 18th century looked like ...

tho' the walls behind and around these trees are clearly older -- & have been repaired here & there, so altogether, they could be from the 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th centuries  ...

& not so far from all that, all this:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

some of our favorite finds on or around Las Ramblas

Cereria Subirà candle shop in business for 250 years! (1761 - 2011):

miscellaneous images from the same basic area
starting with Barcelona's Oct. 15 demonstration (Los Indignados -- similar to the Occupy Wall Street movement in the US)

the (gorgeous) street beneath our feet (& yes, that IS a cigarette butt):

& nearby