Saturday, December 31, 2011

and now ... / y ahora ...

I wanted to finish the 15th box before the new year ... & I did it.
Yo quería terminar el cuadro XV antes del año nuevo... y lo logro.

autobiography / autobiografía    

Haaaaaappy New Year to all! / Feliz Año Nuevo a todos!

Monday, December 26, 2011

versions in progress

nixed this / vetará este

for this, still in progress / por este, todavía en proceso:

Neither photo is so good, sorry -- 
Ninguno foto es muy bueno, perdona --

But there were problems ... the 1st background (map) didn't really fit the box, so I glued it in on a slant which covered the 2 holes at the top of the box, so the knife & paintbrush were glued instead of hung ... and as one friend remarked, 'and that GREEN thing?!' 
Well ... 
*       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *
Había problemas ... el primero fondo (una mapa) no quedo bien en la caja , entonces lo pege a un angulo, pero este cubrió los 2 agujeros del techo de la caja, y entonces el cuchillo y la brocha estaban pegados en lugar de colgarles ... y como una amiga me comento, ¡¿que tal con esa cosa VERDE?! 
Pues ...

Still working ... / Todavía trabajando ...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

wasn't gonna but why not?

            for Rebecca Loudon

Rebecca the dogs are dead
shrimp heads scrape against
my marble floored tomb
Artichoke blood leaks green
and mars a dish
and fish, this pungenty this
an urgency this dead this
scent of curriculum

The crystals of my vertigo
dislodge from yr atmosphere
You’ve got one circular waterway
bringing fish back to spawn

I love a thin blue light
The laughter of the unemployed
keeps me awake at night until dawn
Somewhere else it’s raining or

tide bursts high or fingers slide

into gloves and there’s a store
that stays open all night where neon
blinks red and blue

I lose the patrician –
go ahead, unsnap the Spencerian
odes and watch the wings
of your dark dictionaries

Friday, December 23, 2011

this’ll have to do til I go out & take some more photos!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

inside my camera were photos of the Alpujarras I'd forgotten about

dentro mi camera había fotos de las Alpujarras que olvide completamente --

I love these chimneys -- me encanta estos chimeneas

our shadows while walking/ nuestras sombras durante un paseo

passion flower / pasionaria
 techno debris / basura de la modernidad

shooting star / estrella de fugaz